Sep 30, 2020
Hello again Future Nurses!!
Did you know there’s a Code of Ethics for Nurses? Well there is.
Nursing is a complex and dynamic profession. The tenants under which we practice define and determine our place in the field of healthcare. Each of us is obligated to hold ourselves to these standards and pass them to...
Sep 23, 2020
Hey there Future Nurses!!!
How are you???
In this week's episode we are taking with Diann Wingert.
Diann is a highly experienced psychotherapist who is a mindset and productivity coach for female entrepreneurs. Now I know you’re thinking, “What do female entrepreneurs have to do with nursing school?” Well a lot...
Sep 16, 2020
Hey Future Nurses !!!
In this week's episode we're learning about the three types of Angina.
We discuss Coronary Artery Disease, Acute Coronary Syndrome, including risk factors and learn the key differences in each type of angina so you are able to identify them correctly on an exam and when caring for...
Sep 10, 2020
This week we're talking about cranial nerve assessment.
It's one of the few things you need to memorize in the nursing program.
I know it's a lot of information but it's important to remember the reason we are learning this. At some point in your career you are going to be the only thing standing between your patient...
Sep 3, 2020
Your mindset in nursing school can make you or break you.
In this episode I discuss the differences between a positive and negative mindset and how you can overcome the negativity to improve your outlook, studying, grades and overall nursing school experience.
I've created a workbook, The Pillars of Nursing School...